
Incident: Nisr Al Saudi taken

The Saudi tanker Nisr Al Saudi is taken in the Gulf of Aden by Somali pirates. The tanker was empty at the time. A statement issued by EUNAVFOR says
The ship was heading to Jedda and has a crew of 14. The master of the ship is Greek and the nationality of the rest of the crew has not been confirmed. They are all believed to be well. The ship was outside the Internationally Recognised Transit Corridor and was not registered on MSCHOA. The vessel is now in the vicinity of Garacad, a well know pirate stronghold.
(World Tribune, 02/04/10)The ship's owner, International Bunkering Company Ltd. (IBCO) "is working with its insurer, the Saudi IACI Cooperative Insurance Company (SALAMA), to facilitate negotiations with the pirates." The government of Sri Lanka has conveyed its concern about 13 of its nationals held hostage on the ship. (Arab News, 03/05/10)